Old Net for New Music

The goal of Old Net for New Music is to create a functional partnership network among organizers, artists, and cultural centers in the Czech Republic and to support contemporary music in both domestic and international contexts. The network of organizers allows for sharing contacts and event costs, streamlining communication between organizations and artists. The project serves to provide support and financial assistance for concerts of both foreign and Czech musical, performance, and other artistic projects.

A key component of the Old Net program is organizing the traveling festival Hear ME! Previous editions have taken place in Olomouc, Prague, Litultovice, Boskovice, Malovice, Pardubice, Ostrava…

fb @starasitnanovouhudbu
ig @stara_sit

Current members of the network:

Wandering Stone – Opava, Ostrava
Hlubina Collective – Olomouc
Center for Open Culture, Theater 29 – Pardubice
Mlok Association, Petr Vrba – Prague
phonon~ – Ústí nad Labem
Zvěřinec – Zlín

The Old Net for New Music project is supported by a grant from the Czech Ministry of Culture.

Contact and opening hours

Bludný kámen, z.s.

Gudrichova 6,
746 01 Opava
IČ: 66144108

Cella Gallery

Matiční 4,
746 01 Opava
Tue–Thu: 9–17


Masarykova tř. 22,
746 01 Opava
Mon–Sun: 0-24

The activities of Bludný kámen are financially supported by grants from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Statutory City of Opava.