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(Un)Familiar Sounds – (Ne)známé zvuky / Karolina Karnacewicz


Jméno instituce, skupiny nebo organizace: Centrum Amarant
Jméno a příjmení organizátora: Karolina Karnacewicz
Jméno akce: (Un) Familiar Sounds – (Ne)známé zvuky
Podtitul nebo bližší informace o akci: Hybridní a neformální přednáška vedená Piotrem Tkaczem a volná DJ sestava zaměřená na podobnosti a rozdílnosti mezi českou a polskou soudobou hudbou. Místo lineární chronologie bude mnoho časových cest uskutečněno na trati mezi oběma zeměmi a díky tomu se objeví mnoho zajímavých spojení mezi kompozicemi, které původně neměly mít nic společného.
Webová stránka, kde bude akce propagována a zdokumentována:

Name of the institution, group or institute: Centrum Amarant
Organizer´s name and surname: Karolina Karnacewicz
Name of the happening: (Un)Familiar Sounds
Subtitle or more detailed info about the happening:

A lecture by Piotr Tkacz about the contemporary music scene in Czech Republic and its relationships with Poland. The lecture will be followed by a special DJ set in which Karolina Karnacewicz will connect artists from both countries.

Altough Czech Republic is Poland’s neighbour we here now very little about its music. If we have any knowledge it’s rather about long-standing bands like The Platstic People of the Universe and we are not conscious about activities of younger Czech musicians.
It’s also strange that despite geographical proximity artists from those countries collaborate rarely.
In the lecture such ventures, as works of Martin Blažíček and Krzysztof Topolski, Lukáš Jiřička and Robert Piotrowicz, Mikoláš Chadima and Zenial will be presented. Other important contemporary musicians and venues, such as Školská 28, will be also mentioned.

The DJ set by Karolina Karnacewicz is especially prepared in such a way as to conduct meetings between artists which hadn’t and/or wouldn’t meet otherwise. Thanks to that we will cross boundaries not only in the geographical but also stylistic sense and also act against linear flow of time.
Piotr Tkacz (b. 1985 in Poznan, PL) – improviser, organiser, DJ. His articles were published in “Czas kultury”, “Glissando”, “2+3D”, “Dwutygodnik/Biweekly”, “Fragile”. Since 2007 he co-hosts a show Audiosfera in Radio Afera. He is involved in such initiatives as festival of improvised music FRIV, za duszno, Warsztat dźwięków, Nasłuch aktywny/pasywny. Since March 2015 he is responsible for the music programme of Centrum Amarant.
He is a part of such music projects as Kurort, Radioda, Revue svazu českých architektů, Stupor, Tkacze, Lata, Sumpf and he also recorded with Alice Hui-Sheng Chang and Seiji Morimoto. Apart from that he is always eager to try new musical meetings and performs graphic and text scores. Tkacz was invited to such festivals as Ostrava New Music Days, Animator, Musica Electronica Nova and gave lectures in National Museum of Ethnography in Warsaw and Kulturhauz in Toruń.
Karolina Karnacewicz (b.1990) – Poznanian by choice, cultural animator, her fascination by music from Central-Eastern Europe is present in her activities as DJ, writer and promoter. Thanks to this she was invited to perform on the Carbon Central stage at Festival Tauron Nowa Muzyka. As DJ Morgiana she had debuted in the LAS club – inspired by the masterpiece of Juraj Herz she improvised an surreal vinyl set as a soundtrack to the movie. Before that Karnacewicz was also involved in an audio-visual remix of “Metropolis”.
Now she’s developing abstract approaches to turntablism and working on a new hybrid live/dj set. Formerly known as Polly Týkk.
Karnacewicz collaborated with Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, Culture Center Zamek and Centrum Amarant in Poznań, Political Critique cultural centre On the Border in Cieszyn, Kulturhauz in Toruń, a Canadian podcast series Forbidden Planet and Czech Ditchmag. She has published texts in Czech magazines HIS Voice and A2; websites Eastern Daze and PopUp.
Co-creator of a music events series za duszno. She loves crystals/minerals and staring into sun lying on dunes.

Website where the event will be promoted and documented is:

Contact and opening hours

Bludný kámen, z.s.

Gudrichova 6,
746 01 Opava
IČ: 66144108

Cella Gallery

Matiční 4,
746 01 Opava
Tue–Thu: 9–17


Masarykova tř. 22,
746 01 Opava
Mon–Sun: 0-24

The activities of Bludný kámen are financially supported by grants from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and the Statutory City of Opava.